Judgement Enforcement

A “judgment” when it comes to a legal case is positive. It means you have won, whether through a contested trial, default judgment or other means. The other parties involved are now liable for the results and can no longer contest your claims. However, while you are now entitled to having your demands met, courts are not self-enforcing. Seek the help of the aide of the court or judgment creditor to be certain that the money you are owed is paid to you. 

Some enforcement strategies that can be used to locate the assets of the debtor, putting a lien on those assets, and selling them for cash to fulfill the judgment handed down by the court. You will have the greatest chance of success enforcing your judgment by making sure that you provide accurate information about the assets in question. Depending upon the unique aspects of your case, if the debtor does not voluntarily pay the owed amount, securing and organizing the relevant information about property holdings, bank accounts, vehicles, etc. will move the process along more quickly.